Random Valorant Agent Picker
Click the Roll button, and our Random Valorant Agent Picker will randomly select an agent. You can select/deselect roles by clicking a role: Initiator, Sentinel, Duelist, and Controller. Agents can also be selected/deselected by clicking on them. The Instant Roll button chooses a random Valorant Agent instantly without animations.
About This Random Valorant Agent Picker
Our Random Valorant Agent Picker chooses an agent at random from the agents you select. All agents are selected by default, but you can select/deselect them by clicking them. You can also select/deselect roles by clicking on the Initiator, Sentinel, Duelist, and Controller buttons.
Both the Roll and Instant Roll buttons will randomly pick a hero. The Roll button does so with an animation that gives it a bit of a roulette/slots feel. The Instant Roll does so instantly without the animations.
After an agent has been chosen, information on their abilities is generated below the randomizer.
Valorant Agents and Roles
This Valorant random agent generator includes the following 27 agents (grouped by role):
Gekko, Fade, Breach, Tejo, KAY/O, Skye, and Sova
Deadlock, Chamber, Cypher, Killjoy, Vyse, and Sage
Raze, Phoenix, Iso, Neon, Yoru, Waylay, Reyna, and Jett
Harbor, Viper, Astra, Brimstone, Clove, and Omen
How We Randomize the Pick
Here's a slightly nerdy explanation of how we randomize picks for anyone concerned with the randomness of this tool.
All agents that you haven't deselected are stored in an array (indexed with an integer from 0 to the number of selected agents minus 1).
We use Javascript's Math.random() and Math.floor() functions to generate a random number between 0 and the number of selected agents minus 1. Whichever agent is indexed at our randomly generated number is the pick.
randomNumber = Math.floor( Math.random() * numberOfSelectedAgents )
- Math.random() generates a pseudo-random number greater or equal to 0 and less than 1.
- The number generated by Math.random() is multiplied by the number of selected agents (numberOfSelectedAgents) to scale it.
- Math.floor() rounds the scaled number to the largest integer that's less than or equal to it.
This method of generating picks should be sufficiently random for the common uses of this tool.
If you're using the Roll button, we also generate a random starting number between a range of numbers. We then start the animation at the agent indexed at this starting number and then loop through agents until we arrived at the picked agent. This does not affect the outcome. We simply added this animation to make the tool a bit more fun and feel more like roulette or a slot machine.
By using a random starting point, you can't tell which agent will be chosen until the animation has finished.
Other Random Pickers
Check out our other random pickers:
Random Deadlock Hero Picker
Random FragPunk Hero Picker
Random Marvel Rivals Hero Picker
Random Overwatch 2 Hero Picker
Other Valorant Tools & Links
Here are some other useful Valorant tools we've created:
- Mouse Sensitivity Converter for Valorant
- Valorant Crosshair Database and Crosshair Generator
- Valorant Crosshair Color Codes
Image Credit: Riot Games
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